Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Helping Stay At Home Moms Prosper From FREE Internet Marketing

Tila Tequila, Chris Crocker, iJustine, the Obama girl, ForbiddeN, Boxxy, if you don’t know who any of these people are that’s ok but let me tell you. They’re all the names of people (ok most of them aren’t their real names) who have become celebrities from the internet.

That’s right. All these people and so many more are getting a ton of attention just from marketing themselves on the internet. On places like Myspace and Youtube for free. So what does that have to do with you and your business you ask?

If these people… most of whom I don’t mind telling you aren’t that bright. Can get famous and sometimes even pretty rich from using free website to promote themselves what do you think it can do for your and your home based business?

So how do you become an honest to goodness internet marketing superstar? Here are a few tips for you.

#1 Don’t care what people think of you

Most of the people I listed have people who LOVE them and then there are the haters. Ignore the haters. If people are talking about you it’s a good thing.. PERIOD.

Say something bold, wear something out there, get loud, get crazy just get people’s attention!

#2 Use free stuff

If you have a home based business and you don’t have a Myspace, Youtube, Twitter, or Facebook account you’re a fool. I mean why wouldn’t you use it if it’s free? It just makes no sense. Sure there are a lot of kids and teens on all of these sites but there are also adults who are looking for exactly what you have to offer. You just have to find them.

#3 Be everywhere!

You don’t just need one video on Youtube and a Myspace account. You need a ton of videos and lots and lots of Myspace friends. It’s not enough to do a little and expect people to take notice. You have to be all over the internet. Don’t allow people to ignore you.

#4 Find a niche and go with it

Brand yourself with something memorable and make that your trademark. When you have a signature phrase, hat, or outfit people will remember it more easily thus helping you to go viral.

#5 Don’t take yourself too seriously

Your business is a serious matter but that doesn’t mean you have to be boring and spouting off a bunch of fact that nobody really cares about. Have some fun with your business, yourself and your image.

Follow these steps and you can become an internet marketing superstar!


2009 - Bad Economy - Great Time To Create Wealth

There has perhaps never been a better time to start building a home based business than right now in 2009. So what makes this year the perfect year to start working from home? Economy, economy, economy….

It goes without saying that the economy is in a horrible state right now. People are losing their jobs left and right. As I was researching this article I tried to find the exact number of American’s who lost their jobs in 2008 alone. I couldn’t. I got anywhere from 600,000 to over 2 million.

Whatever the number it’s safe to say that nobody’s job is safe in the year 2009. Because of this there has never been a better time to start working for yourself. It goes without saying but when you work for yourself you can never get fired.

When you work for yourself you can also never get passed over for a promotion. In fact you can give yourself a raise whenever you want! How many jobs can you say that about?

Another reason why working from home has become so appealing in 2009 is the price of gas. When you work from home your commute is as simple as from your bed to your computer (if you have a laptop maybe not even that). I’m making light of things but the truth is that you can save a lot of money on gas and maintenance to your car every year by leaving your morning commute behind.

Are you starting to see why people find a home based business so appealing? We haven’t even talked about the cost of food. Since many people go out to eat for lunch every day you can save money there, and the price for child care if your kids are currently in a daycare center, that can get really pricey really fast!

Lastly, in the year 2009 there are more ways to market your business online than ever before! Gone are the old school days of MLM where you have to buy expensive leads or even worse go door to door pedaling your goods. In 2009 you can market your business exclusively online and almost completely free. You’ll never have to buy another lead again!

Join the home based business revolution and start reaping the rewards of working from home. There has never been a better time to make the switch from employee to business owner.


Stay At Home Moms Make Time For Their Business

If you’re a part of a home based business you’ve probably struggled with finding the time to work your business. If you have you are not alone. Almost everyone I know has at one point said “I just don’t have time!”

So here are a few helpful hints to help you find little pockets of time to work your business in the midst of your ultra busy life.

One thing that has been extremely helpful with me and my business has been to write down how I spend all of my time during the week. Now I don’t just mean “home” or “at work” but every single thing that you do during the day.

For instance I found that during a certain day of the week I was watching 3 hours of TV and on another night I was just surfing the internet for a couple hours not really accomplishing anything.

I promise you that even if you have the busiest of schedules if you do this exercise you’ll find a ton of time you never even knew you had!

Another thing you can do to find more time for your business is to get up one hour earlier in the morning or go to bed one hour later at night. Of course I don’t want you to be dead tired during the next day but one hour isn’t really that much and you can get a lot accomplished during that time.

A lot of people find it to be very effective to work their home based business on their lunch break from work. If you get an hour for lunch you can eat for the first 15 minutes and then make calls for the last 45. You can have some good conversations in 45 minutes.

Remember that finding time to work your home based business is all a matter of desire. If you really want to make it happen you can do it no matter what your schedule looks like while others can have a ton of time but very little desire and therefore get nothing done.

Make the choice to find time every single day to work on building your business. A home based business is like nothing else because you build it once and it will take care of you for a very, very long time. Make some small sacrifices now for a huge payoff in the future.


Stay At Home Moms Deceive Themselves: 7 Ways To Lie To Yourself

Home based business owners have a horrible habit of lying to ourselves about our business. In this article I’ll go over the little lies we all tell ourselves and how to get real and start seeing more success.

Lie 1: My product/ business will pretty much sell it’s self

There isn’t a product or a business out there that is good enough to sell it’s self without any marketing. Let’s be real, some MLM products are just plain stupid, some are ok and some are great and guess what: you can get rich marketing any one of them!

Your product can be the greatest in all of MLM but if you’re not working for it it won’t work for you… period.

The same can be said for your opportunity. Just because you think it’s the greatest way to make money from home out there doesn’t mean people are going to be banging down your door begging to sign up. No matter how great your business is it’s gonna take some effort on your part.

Lie 2: So and So probably doesn’t work that much

If you’re making money in a network marketing business… you’re gonna be working hard! People tend to look at the top earners in their companies and for some strange reason believe that they don’t work that hard or they “just got lucky.”

They didn’t just get lucky, they set and goal and worked hard to get there. No matter what they say. Success in this industry never comes without work. Look at the top earners in your company as examples of what can happen when you work hard and set a goal and stop thinking they just got a lucky break.

Lie 3: I don’t have to improve myself

Everyone needs to do little things every month, every week and every day to improve themselves. Nobody is outside of this. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with you… but there is always room for improvement and if you’re not working on yourself your business isn’t going to grow. At least not at the rate you want it to.

Lie 4: People won’t say “no” to me

Let me be blunt. You’re going to hear “no” a lot! Hearing the word no doesn’t mean that your business isn’t good or your product stinks it just means that the person you’re talking to isn’t interested. Anyone who has had any kind of success in a home based business has heard the word no a ton. Get use to it, embrace it even. It has nothing to do with you it’s just the nature of the beast.

Lie 5: I’ll be quitting my job next month

There is no such thing as overnight success. I’m not saying that you can’t speed the process along but the fact of the matter is that it’s going to take a while to see huge success. So don’t go telling your co-workers, your spouse and especially your boss that you’ll be leaving before you’ve even got your first check. It’s just best for everyone.

It’s awesome to shoot for greatness. Just don’t make your goals so high that when you don’t meet them you get discouraged and want to quit.

Lie 6: My business will build it’s self

This is a lot like the first lie but it’s worth saying again… no business will 100% build it’s self. Sure there are ways you can automate your business and take a bit off your shoulders but it IS going to require some work on your part. Don’t let anyone tell you different.

Lie 7: My business doesn’t need and structure

Just because your home based business isn’t a job doesn’t mean it doesn’t need structure. You can’t go weeks or even days upon days without working your business and you can work 30 hours one week and 3 the next.

Your home based business needs some sort of structure if it’s really going to work for you. Of course the beauty of working from home is you can fit that schedule around your life and the life of your family just don’t get too loosey goosey with it.

Stop lying to yourself and start getting real. I promise that when you do you’re business will be much better for it.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

7 Ways For Stay At Home Moms To Prosper In 2009

Don’t you just love the dawn of a new year? There is just something about starting the next 12 months off fresh and new that is exciting.

In this article I’m going to give you 7 tips to starting 2009 off in the right way for you and your business. Let’s make this year the best one your business has ever seen!

Tip 1: Let go of past failures

Nothing can ruin a resolution or a goal in general like dwelling on the past. If you’ve had a lot of failures in the last 12 months you are going to have to let those go. This year can be whatever you want it to be and drudging up the past can’t make it right, it will only hurt your future.

We’ll use the example of losing weight since that happens to be the biggest and most popular resolution. Say your new years resolution for the past 5 years has been to lose 50 lbs but you’ve never done it. Does that mean you can’t do it this year? Of course not!

The past has nothing and I’ll say it again… nothing to do with your future. Let it go or you’ll be doomed to repeat it over and over again.

Tip 2: Set realistic goals

If you need to lose 200 lbs you’re probably not going to lose it in a year and if you want to be a millionaire in your business you’re probably not going to get there in a year either. (Remember I’m saying probably, because really anything is possible)

If you set goals that are too big you’re setting yourself up to fail. Now I am not saying that you should set little tiny insignificant goals either. Think about what you really want from this year and set a goal that will force you to work hard and stretch but that is also attainable and you’ll be on the right track.

Tip 3: Create a blueprint for success

It’s crazy to set a goal without also giving yourself a way to accomplish it.

You can say “I want to lose 50 lbs.” all day long but unless you set up a diet and exercise plan you’re never going to get there. The same is true for your business. If you want to make $50,000 this year you’ll need to set yourself up to succeed by creating a blueprint for success.

How many hours a week are you going to work? What are you going to be doing to generate leads? How much will you be marketing vs. how long will you be training your team? You’re going to have to ask yourself all these things and more if you really want to win in 2009.

Tip 4: Don’t make excuses

Want to kill your resolution before February hits? It’s easy just make a ton of excuses. A real winner doesn’t make excuses. No you’re not always going to follow your blueprint to the letter but work hard to correct it right away and move on.

Successful people make plans not excuses.

Tip 5: Ignore the stumbles

“Well I ate a piece of birthday cake yesterday so I might as well eat this pizza today”

Over the next 12 months it is inevitable that you’re going to stumble a little bit but don’t let that one time thing turn into a habit and ruin your entire year. Just get right back in the game and act like it never happened.

Tip 6: Find a partner in crime

Finding a partner, teammate or friend who shares your goals is a great way to stay on track. Chances are they will be motivated when you’re not and you’ll be motivated when they’re not.

Having a partner in your goals gives you the accountability that we all need from time to time!

Tip 7: Celebrate the small victories

It can be said that losing 5 lbs is as big of a victory as losing 50. So make sure to celebrate the little victories in your business as it grows. Making your first $100, $1000 or signing your first customer up is something to get really excited about! It means you’re well on your way to creating a strong and life changing business!

Never forget about the little steps along the way that allow your to reach your big goals!

Working Moms Know When To Take A Break

When you’re trying to build a business your first instinct might be to work night and day every single day until you reach your goal. However, while hard work is important it is also important to give yourself a break now and then if you really want to build your business in the best and fastest way possible.

Before I really get into this I want to say that there is nothing wrong with hard work. In fact if you are looking to build a business that will provide you with the income and the lifestyle most home based business owners crave you’re going to need a lot of hard work.

This article is in now way designed to discourage you from putting in the time and effort any business needs, it’s also not claiming results without effort because that would just be foolish.

However, giving yourself a break from time to time is essential in being at your highest level of productivity.

When you rest and relax your body and mind are able to recharge and your levels of energy and creativity go way up. Try giving yourself small 15 to 20 minute breaks throughout the day and I know you will notice the difference.

If you’re the type of person who finds it difficult to stop during the day and take some time for yourself try creating a schedule for your work and sticking with it.

Be careful however not to take too long of a break, 15 minutes every two hours or so should do it.

When you take care of your body and mind it will take care of you and your body is just not designed to go, go, go, go without stopping for long periods of time.

Think of it this way. You can work 14 hours a day with very low productivity or 5 hours a day with high productivity… which sounds more appealing to you?

If there happens to be a day when you really can’t slow down for whatever reason try to give yourself that time the next day. Obviously there are situations when you just can’t leave your work just try not to make it a habit.

In conclusion I hope you understand that hard work and diligent effort is something that all home based businesses need to be successful. However, don’t be afraid to take some time to stop and smell the roses. It will help your business in ways you can’t even imagine.

Remember, success is not a destination it’s a journey so don’t forget to enjoy the ride!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Work From Home Business: It Isn't A Job - It's A Business

If I’ve heard this question once I’ve heard it a thousand times… “why does it cost money to get started in your business?”

In this article I want to go over one of the most commonly asked questions about getting started in a home based business? Why does it cost money to start?

I suppose it’s a pretty understandable question after all it doesn’t cost anything to start a job right? But that’s just the thing, you’re not starting a job you’re starting a business and all businesses cost money.

Think about if you were going to open a clothing store, how much money would you need to spend to get started? Well you’d need a location, clothes (duh), heating and air conditioning, electricity, you’d need counters, hangers, probably an alarm system… oh and you’d have to pay your employees.

If you want to go even smaller thing about this... what if you were opening a lemonade stand in your front yard. Surly that wouldn’t cost anything right? Well you’d need a stand, lemons, cups, a pitcher… you get my point by now right?

All businesses cost money to start, every single one, and there is nothing illegal or unethical about that fact.

Of course if you really were talking about opening your own traditional business you’d be talking about an investment of thousands or even hundreds of thousands and in the case of your average home based business you’re only talking a few hundred or less.

A very common misconception is that home based businesses take all the money you sign up with and give it to the person who signed you up. It’s almost as if they’re taking your money for no good reason at all other than to give your upline a bonus.

This is not true, while it is true that the person who brings you into the business will usually get compensated for that most of the money goes to operating the business for you, creating product, or sending out membership cards, providing training or customer service for you, just your basic cost of operation.

Now let’s get back to this whole it’s not a job thing because I think that’s a very important issue that many people don’t grasp 100% upon signing up. When you get started in a home based business you have officially become a business owner! You’re not someone with a job, you are the CEO of your very own company.

Don’t treat your business like it’s some little “work at home thing” treat it as if you run a fortune 500 company a company that in the next 5 years or so could very well pay you $100,000 $200,000 or even a million! Now doesn’t that make a start up cost of a couple hundred dollars seem like pocket change?

Don’t let the start up cost keep you from building the business of your dreams. Find the home based business that’s right for you and the sky is the limit!
